Tuesday, January 29, 2013

John 7-8
January 29, 2013 - Diane Adair

                                Quotes from John 7-8                        
                                        Diane Adair

"The temple was a place of learning for the Savior…it was very much a part of His life"

James E. Faust

"In the ordinances of the holy temple we more completely and fully take upon us the name of Christ."

Elder David Bednar

"Come!  Come to the House of the Lord.  Here is found rest for the weary, peace for the soul."

President Thomas S. Monson

John 7-8 - Diane Adair - January 29, 2013 (Audio)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Matthew 17-18;Mark 9; Luke 9
January 22, 2013 - Nancy Baird

                                    QUOTES FOR MATTHEW 17-18; MARK 9; LUKE 9
                                                                    Nancy Baird

"I have a Red Indian friend...When we were once speaking confidentially about the white man, he said to me:  "We don't understand the whites; they are always wanting something - always restless - always looking for something...We can't understand them.  They have such sharp noses, such thin, cruel lips, such lines in their faces.  We think they are all crazy."  
                    Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, 277-78.

[Such things are] "hard only to the hard, incredible only to the incredulous." 
                 (Augustine, in Frederick Farrar, The Life of Christ ,318.

"There are few persons who see that light or even believe in the fuller life, and often after glimpsing it, they turn away to the grosser and more sordid things." 
                    David O. McKay, 1961.

"One can see much in the face of a man [or woman] as the years pass by.  Something happens to the features of the relativist:  a slackness, a weakness, a futility seems to stamp itself on them.  But the man who has stood unflinchingly for great principles shows an increasing firmness, a nobility and a majesty in his face as time goes by."  
                    Interpreter's Bible

"And fellow sojourners on earth.  It is your privilege to purify yourselves and come up to the same glory, and see for yourselves and know for yourselves.  Ask...seek...knock."
                    Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 13.

"Every ...person who lives in this world wields an influence whether for good or for evil.  It is not what he says alone; it is not alone what he does.  It is what he is...Every man has an atmosphere which is affecting every other man.  He cannot escape for one moment from this radiation of his character..."           
 David O. McKay, in M. Catherine Thomas, Light in the Wilderness, 186-187.

A monk feared to leave praying in case he missed a divine manifestation, but could not ignore the hungry souls he usually feeds at that hour.  So he leaves his praying, and feeds the hungry and return to his cell, to find Christ waiting and saying:  "Hadst thou stayed I might have fled."
        Henry Wordsworth Longfellow, "The Theologian's Tale," in Tales of a Wayside Inn.

Matthew 17-18; Mark 9 ;Luke 9 - Nancy Baird - January 22, 2013(Audio)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Matthew 15-16; Mark 7-8; Luke 9 - January 15, 2013 - Diane Adair

Quotes from Matthew 15-16; Mark 7-8; Luke 9 
         Diane Adair

"Jesus' Atonement is the foundation that makes effective and lasting every ordinance performed in the temple."       
                       Richard G. Scott

"During the years of my life, I have gone to my knees with a humble spirit to the only place I could for help.  I often went in agony of spirit, earnestly pleading with God to sustain me….It has been as though I have struggled up an almost real Mount of Transfiguration and upon occasion felt great strength and power in the presence of the Divine.  A special sacred feeling has been a sustaining influence and often a close companion."
                                                                  James E. Faust

Matt 15-16;Mark7-8;Luke 9 - Diane Adair - January 15, 2013 (Audio)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Matthew 14; Mark 6; Luke 9; John 5-6
Nancy Baird - January 8, 2013

                           QUOTES FOR MATTHEW 14;  MARK 6;  LUKE 9;  JOHN 5-6
                                                                  Nancy Baird

"Mockery is the fume of little hearts." 
                Tennyson, Idylls of the King, 1. 628.

"One of the few things I know about writing is this:  spend it all...every time.  Do not hoard what seems good for a later time...give it all, give it now.  The impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now.  Something more will arise for later, something better.  These things fill from behind, from beneath, like well water...Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you.  You open your safe and find ashes."   
                Annie Dillard, The Writing Life, 79.

"Even as Israel had been miraculously fed during the time of Moses, now was bread provided in the desert by this new prophet."  
                James Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 335.

(Quoting Martin Luther): "...there was never in heaven or earth a more loving, familiar, or milder man, in words, works, and demeanor, especially towards poor, sorrowful, and tormented consciences."
But then Gossip goes on to say: 
    "These aspects of the Master...fill our minds - too exclusively...But the Scriptures makes it plain that those who lived with him were conscious that, along with all that, there was also in him something awesome, tremendous, superhuman, something that awoke in them what was a kind of dread.  That is too apt to be forgotten."     
                Arthur John Gossip, Interpreter's Bible, Vol. 8, 652.

 If we fix our eyes on Jesus, we may walk over swelling waves of disbelief, unterrified in rising winds of doubt.  If we turn our eyes away and instead look at the power and fury of the destructive elements around us, we too shall sink.  If we listen while we are in the deep, IN THE DEEP, in the storms and darkness, we can hear those beautiful words:
                 "Wherefore didst thou doubt?
                   It is I.  Be not afraid."


Matt.14;Mark6;Luke9; - Nancy Baird - January 8, 2013(Audio)