Tuesday, October 5, 2010

1 Nephi 1-5
Nancy Baird - October 5, 2010

"I was never so happy in my life as when I looked over my shoulder [they were being driven out of Nauvoo in the dead of winter] and saw the temple on fire. Lord, take it if you want it; it's yours. We are now free, and we're going out."
Brigham Young (quoted by Hugh Nibley in Teachings of the Book of Mormon, p.117.

"A man's character is his fate."

QUESTION by May Swenson

Body my house
My horse my hound
What will I do
When you are fallen

Where will I sleep
How will I ride
What will I hunt

Where can I go
Without my mount
All eager and quick
How will I know
In thicket ahead
Is danger or treasure
When Body my good
Bright dog is dead

How will it be
To lie in the sky
Without roof or door
And wind for an eye

With cloud for shift
How will I hide?

1 Nephi 1-5 - Nancy Baird - October 5, 2010 (Audio)