Quotes Helaman 10 - 12
"There is a difference between a convert who is built on the rock of Christ through the Book of Mormon and stays hold of that iron rod, and one who is not."
Ezra Taft Benson, "The Book of Mormon Is the Word of God," Ensign,. May 1975, 65
"Find a retreat of peace and quiet where periodically you can ponder and let the Lord establish the direction of your life."
Elder Richard G. Scott - First Things First, Ensign May, 2001
First Things First
"In the quiet moments of personal introspection the spirit can teach us much."
Elder M Russell Ballard - Ensign , Hyrum Smith:"Firm As the Pillars of Heaven,
Ensign, November 1995
Hyrum Smith: "Firm As the Pillars of Heaven"
"From events portrayed in the scriptures, new insights will come and principles relevant to your situation will distill upon your heart."
Elder Russell M. Nelson - Living by Scriptural Guidance, Ensign, November 2000
Living by Scriptural Guidance
"If we are focused on Jesus and His work, both our joys and our staying capacity are increased... Nephi had not selfishly sought his own life, but rather had sought to do God's will. this gave him the extra and undivided energy which made his striving with unwearied diligence possible. Nephi knew in which direction he faced: toward God"
Neal A. Maxwell - If Thou Endure it Well - p116
"When we pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus for specific personal things, we should feel in the very depths of our souls that we are willing to subject our petitions to the will of our Heavenly Father. The time will come when we shall know the will of God before we ask... That will be when as a result of righteous living, we shall so enjoy the companionship of the spirit that he will dictate what we ask"
Elder Marion G. Romney - Conference October, 1944 p 55-56
"So much of pure prayer seems to be the process of first discovering, rather than requesting the will of our Father in heaven, and then aligning ourselves."
Neal A. Maxwell - All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience, 93 -94
"The Lord conferred authority on some of his chosen servants and gave them exceptional powers.... in this manner Elijah obtained the keys in the priesthood to raise the dead, heal the sick, close the heavens that it did not rain only by his word, and for more than 3 years there was no rain, and moreover he had the power to call down fire from heaven to destroy the enemies of the Church.... The Lord gave similar authority to Nephi, son of Helaman.... simply by his faith and the commandments from the Lord. This wonderful power had been bestowed on but a few of the servants of the Lord."
Joseph Fielding Smith Jr. - Answers to Gospel Questions, 4:95
"One of the greatest mysteries of mortality is why mankind fails to learn from history."
Elder L. Tom Perry - "Behold, the Lord Hath Shown unto Me Great and Marvelous Things" Ensign November 1992
"Behold, the Lord Hath Shown unto Me Great and Marvelous Things"
"The devil always sets up his kingdom at the very some time in opposition to God."
Joseph Smith
"We need the spirit daily to help us remember daily."
Neal A. Maxwell, Increase Faith , 101-2
"Today we are basking in the lap of luxury, the like of which we've never seen before in the history of the world. It would seem that this is the most severe test of any we've ever had in the history of this Church."
Harold B. Lee
"In the Bible Dictionary we learn that the word grace frequently is used in the scriptures to connote a strengthening or enabling power:
...It is like wise through the grace of the Lord that individuals, through faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance of their sins, receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain if left to their own means. This grace is an enabling power that allows men and women to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation after they have expended their own best efforts. Thus, the enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity. I testify and witness that the enabling power of the Savior's Atonement is real."
Elder David A. Bednar - In the Strength of the Lord, Ensign November, 2004
In the Strength of the Lord
"The grace of the Lord through the Atonement can both cleanse us of sin and assist us in perfecting ourselves through our trials, sicknesses, and even character defects... Christ can repair our flaws and failings that otherwise are not repairable... that great truth ought to fill us all with hope, as long as we are quick to remember that the effectof grace in our lives is conditioned upon repenting of our sins... A repentant ear and good works are the very condition required to have grace restored to us. When someone pleads fervently in prayer for an answer, the answer may be more conditioned on repentance of personal sins than on any other factor... To obtain grace one does not have to be perfect, but he does have to be trying to keep the commandments the best that he can. Then the Lord will allow him to receive that power."
Elder Gene R. Cook - Receiving Divine Assistance through the Grace of the Lord, Ensign May, 1993
Receiving Divine Assistance through the Grace of the Lord
Helaman 10-12 - Diane Adair - October 18, 2011(Audio)