Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ether 11-15
Diane Adair - February 21, 2012

Quotes for Ether 11- 15
Diane Adair

We live in a world of uncertainty…disappointment…rejoicing…good health…sickness…sorrow, we do not know.  But one thing we do know…regardless of what the future holds there stands the Redeemer of the world, the Son of God, certain and sure as the anchor of our lives.  He is the rock of our salvation our strength, our comfort, the very focus of our Faith." 
                     President Gordon B. Hinckley

"When we reject the counsel that comes from God we do not choose to be independent of outside influences but we reject the protection of a perfectly loving, all powerful, all knowing Father in Heaven whose soul purpose and that of His Beloved Son is to give us Eternal life to give us all that He has and to bring us home again in families in the arms of His love.  In rejecting His counsel we choose the direction of another whose purpose is to make us miserable and whose motive is hatred, we have moral agency as a gift of God.  Rather than a right to choose to be free of influence it is the unalienable right to submit ourselves to whichever power we choose."
                     Henry B. Eyring

If there is one thing you and I need in this world, it is faith.  The kind of faith that moves one to get on his knees and plead with the Lord and then get on his feet and go to work--is an asset beyond compare.
                     President Gordon B. Hinckley

"Some trials of our faith are simply a matter of exercising our faith…Every time you try your faith, that is, act in worthiness on an impression you will receive the confirming evidence of the Spirit.  Those feelings will fortify your faith.  As you repeat that pattern your faith will become stronger."
                     Richard G. Scott

"Most of us seem to have pride cycle as part of our character.  There is a point when we are humble and teachable…we grow and ride crest of spirituality…other times we feel self sufficient and puffed up in pride…How much better if we kept in remembrance our God and break cycle…humbled by the word of the Lord and strong enough in spirit to remember our God in whatsoever circumstances we find ourselves in."
                     Carlos Asay

"A friend of mine recently wrote to me, confiding that he was having a difficult time keeping his testimony strong and vibrant. He asked for counsel.

I wrote back to him and lovingly suggested a few specific things he could do that would align his life more closely with the teachings of the restored gospel. To my surprise, I heard back from him only a week later. The essence of his letter was this: “I tried what you suggested. It didn’t work. What else have you got?”

Brothers and sisters, we have to stay with it. We don’t acquire eternal life in a sprint—this is a race of endurance. We have to apply and reapply the divine gospel principles. Day after day we need to make them part of our normal life.

Discipleship is a journey…to craft our character and purify our hearts.  It is not enough merely to speak of Jesus Christ or proclaim that we are His disciples.  Discipleship is not a spectator sport."
                               President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Ether 11-15 -Diane Adair - February 21, 2012(Audio)