Notes from Preach My Gospel, Lesson 9
“How Do I Find People to Teach?”
“Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it? “And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.
Luke 15: 8-9
“To missionaries traveling on the Missouri River, the Lord said, “’It is not needful for…mine elders to be moving swiftly…whilst the inhabitants on either side are perishing in unbelief.”’ As you move swiftly to planned activities, pray for the ability to see unplanned opportunities to serve and share the Gospel with those who may be “perishing in unbelief”’
PMG p. 156
“Have you noticed in your ward or neighborhood that there might be one who needs to be lifted, to be touched; whose life is perhaps drifting off in a direction that we know will not bring about happiness, peace, and contentment? What can you do about it? What should you do about it?
From Elder Russel M. Ballard, “Taking Time to Care” New Era, October 1986
“May I ask that you join the conversation by participating on the Internet to share the gospel and to explain in simple and clear terms the message of the Restoration.”
M. Russell Ballard, “Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet,” Ensign, Jul 2008, 58–63
Our most important missionary work is in our family.
“We labor diligently … to persuade our children … to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God.… We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.” 2 Nephi 25:23, 26
Elder David F. Evans, “Was It Worth It?”, Ensign, May 2012
Elder Daivid F. Evans, Was It Worth It? Conference Address April 2012
How can we persuade our children to believe in Christ?
- Teach them the principles and doctrines of the Gospel
- Be faithful ourselves Attend church with our family
- Hold family home evening and read scriptures together
- Pray daily and accept callings
- Visit the sick and lonely Write letters which bear testimony
- Show love and forgiveness in our parenting
Christi Jardine, Report to SIS about her family sharing the Gospel, April 17, 2010
• Pray for and be aware of opportunities to share the “good news” of the Gospel.
• Act on spiritual promptings.
• Listen sincerely to what people say to you.
• Look for common interests to help you know how to talk with people.
• Talk to people about their families. Help them see how the restored gospel can be a blessing to their families.
• Be warm, friendly, and cheerful. Invite them to your home.
• Trust the Spirit to put into your heart and mind what you should say and do.
• Extend love regardless of outcomes.
• Take heart! God is in charge and knows and loves his children better than we do.
Other useful sources:
“Helping Others Obtain the Promises of the Lord”, President Spencer W. Kimball, Ensign June 1983
“I Didn’t Find God—He Found Me,” Jochen A. Beisert, Latter-day Saint Voices July 2003
“I Will Be Found of You” Aaron L. West, Jan. 2010 Liahona
“PARABLES OF THE LOST AND FOUND”, Elder Donald J. Keyes Ensign Feb 2011
“THE ABUNDANT LIFE”, Spencer W. Kimball, Ensign, July 1978
How Do I Find People to Teach- PMG9 -Morrissa Rich - April 17, 2012(Audio)