Wednesday, August 1, 2012

President Buie's Message

Dear Sisters,

I love the words of Jeremiah, "I found thy words and I did eat them, and thy words are the joy and rejoicing of my soul.  For I am called by thy name".... Jeremiah's relationship with God was sweetened and strengthened by his "ingesting" the word of God.  As will ours. 

I can testify without hesitation, that the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon,  brought me to Christ! I love the New Testament also.  The stories of Christ direct dealings with his flock are inspiring.  It makes me want to become like Him. 
We love and sustain you dear sisters.  So much rides on your faith and testimony.  Please tend to your faith and testimony with great care and diligence. 
I leave my blessing on you all.  That as you "feast" the words of life, your relationship with Christ will be strengthened and sweetened, as was Jeremiah's. 

President Scott Buie