Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Intro to New Testament - The Four Gospels
Nancy Baird - Sept 11, 2012

                                                          Nancy Baird

"It is not the Old Testament which lends authority to the New Testament.  Rather the New Testament gives authority to the Old Testament.  The prophetic writings, the law of Moses, "shone out" when Jesus came.  It was the coming of Jesus that set them in plain light."
                                                                                            (from The Interpreter's Bible)

"We are here to witness the creation and to abet it...especially we notice the beautiful faces and complex natures of each other.  We are here to bring to consciousness the beauty and power that are around us and to praise the people who are here with us. We witness...."
                                                                                                                      Annie Dillard

"It is difficult, if not impossible, to teach doctrine without personality."
                                                                                                   David O. McKay

"Was it possible to see the hypocrisy of the scribes, the pride of the priests, the rapacity of the elders, the materialism of the masses, the treachery of Judas, the debauchery of Herod Antipas, and view these things with detachment?"              
                                                                                             (from The Interpreters  Bible)

A few references:
Eusebius, The Church History,  (various translations).   
Scofield Bible
The Life of Christ, Frederic  Farrar   
A Commentary on The Holy Bible, J. R. Dummelow
Jesus The Christ, James E. Talmage
The Interpreter's Bible

N.T. Intro- Four Gospels-Nancy Baird - September 11, 2012 (Audio)