Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Luke 10; John 9-10
February 5, 2013

                    Nancy Baird                         

"Some vainly imagine that...gifts and blessing were obtained not by external observances, or external works, but merely through faith and repentance, through mental operations independent of physical. External works, or outward ordinances...[are] inseparably connected with inward works, with faith and repentance.  "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3:5).""   
               Lorenzo Snow, Teachings of Presidents of the Church, 49.

"The most striking conclusion to be drawn from the state of Germany today, from the stories of the refugees from behind the Iron Curtain, even from the present behavior of former concentration camp inmates, is precisely how hard it is permanently to destroy most people psychologically."
               David Reisman, in 1954, quoted in The New Yorker, 2012.

 "It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what."
               Attitcus Finch, to his children, Jem and Scout, in To Kill a Mockingbird.

"It is easy, in the world, to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."       
              from Emerson's essay on "Self-Reliance"

"She dressed each morning with care for the act of poetry." 
              Michael Longley, about Emily Dickinson

"To understand the imagery, it must be remembered that Eastern folds are large open enclosures into which several flocks are driven at the approach of night.  There is only one door, which a single shepherd guards, while the others go home to rest.  In the morning the shepherds return, are recognized by the doorkeeper, call their flocks round them and lead them forth to pasture."  
              Dummelow, Commentary, 1908, 791. 

[When sorrow comes to us] "in any case we shall have to bear the pain..."  [But can we see that possibility]  "which it puts within our reach!  In us too, through our loss, our pain, our sorrow, our particular disability, whatever it may be, the works of God might be made manifest."
             Arthur John Gossip, Interpreter's Bible, 8, 612.

John 9-10; Luke 10 - Nancy Baird - February 5, 2013 (Audio)