Friday, April 1, 2011

Alma 5-7
Nancy Baird - March 22, 2011

DVD for this class is unavailable due to technical difficulties


"The [Vatican Library's]     collection, which has been accreting since the mid-fourteen-hundreds, is so vast that even the people who run it haven't always known what they're sitting on top of. ..although the library was founded as essentially a public information resource, the Vatican itself has had a historically vexed relationship to knowledge, power, secrecy, and authority.  Its library may possess some of the most ancient manuscripts of Scripture in existence, but for centuries the Catholic Church held that ordinary people shouldn't be able to read the Bible -- that the Old and New Testaments themselves should be a kind of "secret history" for everyone but the scholar-priest trained to decipher the arcane tongues in which they were written."
Daniel Mendelsohn, "God's Librarians,"  The New Yorker, January 3, 2011, 25.

"Years before C.S. Lewis, the great theologian, became a Christian, he was strolling with his friend J.R.R. Tolkien, a devout Catholic and creator of "The Lord of the Rings."  After listening to Lewis voice doubts about faith, Tolkien stopped and looked at him.  "Jack," he said, "failure to believe is simply a failure of imagination."             
 Jerry Johnston, May 15, 1999, Deseret News

"I was never a beauty.  There was a time when I was sorry about that, when I was old enough to understand the importance of it and, looking in the mirror, realized it was something I was never going to have.  Then I found what I wanted to do in life and being called pretty no longer had any importance.
It was only much later that I realized that not being beautiful was a blessing in disguise.  It forced me to develop my inner resources."
Gold Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, 1969-74,

"Every...person who lives in this world wields an influence whether for good or for evil.  It is not what he says alone; it is not alone what he does.  It is what he IS...Every man has an atmosphere which is affecting every other man.  He cannot escape for one moment from this radiation of his character..."
President David O. McKay,  A fusion of two quotes on the same subject, from BYU, April, 1948, and The Instructor, October 1964.

"It is the soul which dies first. In men's minds there are great springs of poetry and music which nobody in ordinary life thinks of tapping.  Man is nourished by the invisible, he dies from preferring their opposites."
(from Jacques Lusseyran,  Against the Pollution of the I,  quoted on YouTube)

"Too late did I love Thee!  For behold, Thou wert within, and I without, and there did I seek thee;  I unlovely, rushed heedlessly among the things of beauty thou madest.  Thou were with me, but I was not with thee."           
St. Augustine