Friday, April 1, 2011

Alma 8-12
Diane Adair - March 29, 2011

Quotes from Alma 8-12

"Divine mercy can but be applied by Him who knows these things that only He can know…The quiet moments of courage in the life of His flock, the un-noticed acts of Christian service, the unspoken thoughts which can be credited in no other way except through perfect judgment...The self assigned gatekeeper is Jesus Christ, who awaits us out of a deep divine desire to welcome us as much as to certify us…  If we acknowledge Him now, He will lovingly and gladly admit us then."
Neal A. Maxwell

"And everything that has been given in the gospel and everything that has been in any way connected with it has been designed for the express purpose of bearing record of Christ, and certifying as to His divine. Mission."
Bruce R. McKonkie

"Every prophet that there has been in the world has borne record that he is the son of God, because in its very nature that is the chief calling of a prophet.  The testimony of Jesus is synonymous with the spirit of prophecy."
 Bruce R. McKonkie

Diane quoted from the "LDS Church News," September 19, 2009, page 3-5



"When the audience has been expecting and praying for inspiration, speakers often find that they speak with power beyond their natural capacities.  It seems that the spiritual growth, inspiration, and satisfaction derived from conference are largely a personal matter."


1.  List or identify major concerns or questions that you feel you need help with or answer to.  They do not just have to be spiritual matters, but anything that is weighing on your mind and heart. 




2.  Personal prayers:  Pray for those who will speak in conference and that your specific concerns will be addressed.

3.  Spend at least one day of fasting and prayer to prepare you for the answers you will receive.

4.  Attend or watch conference as an active listener, taking notes on the talks that address your concerns.

5.  Read and study the talks through the conference edition of the Ensign that addressed your concerns and implement these answers into your daily life.

6.  Go to the Temple.

7.  Help someone….Serve

Alma 8-12  Diane Adair - March 29, 2011 (Audio)