Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Shawna Wilde's Message for June
Dear Sisters,
Do we remember to give thanks for the blessings we receive? In April General Conference, President Monson taught us that sincere thanks helps us to recognize our blessings while it “…unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us to feel God’s love.”
Each of us looks forward to the summer season for a different reason. Some love to work in their gardens to create a little plot of heaven on earth. Some of us enjoy the grandeur of our mountains and deserts and are drawn to venues for hiking and camping. While some of us enjoy the happy voices of little children at play on bright, sunny days, others seek the quiet solitude of the early morning sun rising in a clear summer sky.
All of the beauties of our earth are gifts from a loving Heavenly Father, freely given to bring us joy during our journey on earth. Let us always recognize His hand in all that is good and beautiful and express gratitude to Him for all we enjoy. As we express our gratitude, we draw closer to Him and become a happy, grateful people.
Shawna Wilde - Stake Relief Society Presidency