Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cathy Stringham's Message

    I hope you are all enjoying the longer days filled with sunshine, walking barefoot, and hopefully, a little slower pace than the regimen of school and scheduled activities.  And in a few short months we will welcome the return to structure, early dusk, and regular bedtimes.  I miss seeing you each week, and look so forward to our time together - our noses in our scriptures and our friends at our side. 
    I was recently reminded of one of the sweetest gifts that we are privileged to access as members of Christ’s restored church.  I was going through some of what comes with this mortal experience – worry, anxiety, physical discomfort.  You’ve all been there, or are there.  It was a fast Sunday, and I asked my husband if he would give me a Priesthood blessing.  We sat down together, his arm around me, and he listened – asking what I thought I needed and wanted from my Father in Heaven.  Sometimes I desire a specific thing – healing, comfort, do I take this job, marry this man, move to another state, and . . . sometimes I just need to be reminded that Heavenly Father really knows me.  Sometimes I need to hear His advice in my language.

     After hearing my concerns, and what I felt I needed, my good husband laid his hands on my head and was mouthpiece to communication from my Father in Heaven.  He talked to me and told me, not necessarily what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear – just as a loving Father would do.  Tears streamed down my cheeks, joy and peace filled my being.  Do you remember, as a child, returning home after a lengthy time away – that feeling of safety, security, belonging?  For a short time I felt that I had returned home, to my heavenly home . . . and it felt so good. 

    We all have access to this special kind of communion with our Father in Heaven.  I asked my husband to provide this blessing, but each of us has access to someone who can be this mouthpiece.  If, or when, you need to hear your Heavenly Father’s words in your own language, ask your worthy husband, earthly father, son, brother, nephew, uncle, home teacher, or trusted friend to perform this great service for you.  It is an honor and a privilege for them to exercise the power of God in this way.  It is one of the greatest privileges and gifts that come with our treasured membership in His church.

    My friends, how joyful are we to have the truth, the fullness, the rights and privileges of belonging to the family of Christ with access to the power of the Priesthood?  I want to be consumed with gratitude.  Have a wonderful summer, and then come back with us in the fall, or give us a try . . . to learn, to laugh, to bear one another’s burdens, to be reminded how blessed we really are . . .  I love you and leave you with my testimony - I know we are members of a Heavenly Family.  Our Father and Mother love each of us.  They are there for us, aware of us, loving us, and want us to come home . . . to the ultimate place of safety, security, and belonging.  
                                                                                          Cathy Stringham